Perl Weekly Challenge 119: Sequence without 1-on-1

by Abigail


Write a script to generate sequence starting at 1. Consider the increasing sequence of integers which contain only 1s, 2s, and 3s, and do not have any doublets of 1s > like below. Please accept a positive integer $N and print the $Nth term in the generated sequence.

1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 121, 122, 123, 131, ...


I could not think of a way to directly generate the \(N\)th number of the sequence.

But there is a straight forward way to, given a number in the sequence, generate the next number in the sequence.

Let the sequence be \(a_0, a_1, a_2, \ldots\). Let \(a_n\) be a number in the sequence, such that \(a_n = d_1 d_2 d_3 \ldots d_m c \overbrace{3 \ldots 3}^{k \text{ times}}, c \neq 3 \). That is, \(a_n\) consists of a possibly empty, sequence of digits \(d_i\) then a digit, \(c\), not equal to \(3\), followed by a, possibly empty, sequence of \(k\) \(3\)s. So, \(c\) is the last digit in \(a_n\) which is not a \(3\). If \(a_n\) consists of only \(3\)s, we can always prepend \(a_n\) with a \(0\), so, in that case, \(c = 0\).

We now first construct an intermediate number \(t = d_1 d_2 d_3 \ldots d_m (c + 1) \overbrace{1 \ldots 1}^{k \text{ times}}\).

Then we construct \(a_{n + 1}\) from \(t\) by replacing each non-overlapping \(11\) in \(t\) by \(12\). Note that the sequence \(d_i\) cannot contain the pattern \(11\); otherwise, \(a_n\) is not part of the sequence. Also, the only way for \(c + 1\) to be \(1\) is if the sequence \(d_i\) is empty (in that case, \(a_n\) consists of only \(3\)s).

With this in mind, it's easy to generate the generate the \(N\)th number: starting with \(0\), we apply the construction above \(N\) times.

In each of our implementations below, we start of with prepending a \(0\) to number. That way, we will always find a \(c\) as above. And we'll strip off a leading \(0\) when we're done.


First, the method which takes a number in the sequence, and return the next number. It makes extensive use of the /r modifier on substitutions: this tells perl not to modify the string it's acting on, but to return the modified string instead.

sub next_num ($prev_num) {
    "0$prev_num" =~ s!([012])(3*)$!($1 + 1) . ($2 =~ s/3/1/rg)!re
                 =~ s!11!12!rg
                 =~ s!^0!!r

The pattern in the first substitution captures the last digit which is not a 3, and any 3s following that. This is replaced with the non-3 digit incremented by 1, and a string of 1s of the same length as the string of 3. We do this by using the /e modifier, which tells Perl to execute the replacement part, and use the return value as the replacement. Note that we use another substitution here — with a modern enough Perl, the regexp engine is reentrant.

The second substitution simply replaces any 11 with a 12 — this is the part which prevents a 1-1 sequence.

The final substitution removes any leading 0 which still may be there.

We can now calculate the $Nth element of the sequence, where $_ contains $N:

my $n = 0;
$n = next_num $n for 1 .. $_;
say $n;

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AWK doesn't have capture groups (GNU AWK does though), so we have to work a little bit harder. It does have RSTART, which indicates the position in the string where the match started , and RLENGTH, which indicates the length of the matched substring. Our next_num function then becomes:

function next_num (prev_num, tail) {
    match (prev_num, /3*$/)
    tail = substr (prev_num, RSTART)

Now tail contains the trailing 3s of prev_num (tail may be the empty string). We first replace the 3s with 1s:

    gsub (/3/, 1, tail)

We now put tail back into prev_num, after incrementing the number before the trailing 3s. If no such number exists (that is, prev_number consists of just 3s) we just put a 1 before tail:

    if (RLENGTH == length (prev_num)) {
        prev_num = 1 tail
    else {
        prev_num = substr (prev_num, 1, RSTART - 2)      \
                  (substr (prev_num, RSTART - 1, 1) + 1) \

Now we just replace any 11 with 12, and return the result.

    gsub (/11/, "12", prev_num)

    return prev_num

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The Bash function to calculate the next number is surprisingly compact:

function next_number () {
     [[ 0$1 =~ ^(.*)([012])(3*)$ ]]
     next_num=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}$((BASH_REMATCH[2] + 1))${BASH_REMATCH[3]//3/1}

The first line capturings any leading digits, then the last digit which is not a 3, and the any trailing 3s. Capture groups are availabe in the array BASH_REMATCH.

A new number is constructed by concatenating the first part with the second (incremented by one), and then the third, where each 3 is replaced by a 1. The increment is done using the $((EXPR)) construct, which evaluates EXPR and substitutes its value. The replacement is done by the ${word//pat/replacement} construct, which expands word, then replaces each occurance of pat with replacement.

Then, in the new number, we replace any 11 with 12, and strip off any remaining leading 0.

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C doesn't have build in pattern matching, nor much of support for strings. We therefore have to do a lot of manual work. We will be assuming any answer will not require more than 32 digits.

With the input number ($N) in the variable num, we get:

# define BUF_SIZE 32
char number [BUF_SIZE + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i ++) {
    number [i] = '0';
number [BUF_SIZE] = `\0`;

This initializes a NUL-terminated string number of 32 0s.

while (num --) {
    for (i = BUF_SIZE - 1; i > 0 && number [i] == '3'; i --) {
        number [i] = '1';
    number [i] ++;

Set all trailing 3s to 1s, and increment the last digit which is not a 3.

    for (i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE - 1; i ++) {
        if (number [i] == '1' && number [i + 1] == '1') {
            number [i + 1] = '2';

This replaces any 11 with 12.

Now we get to print the number, without any leading 0:

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE && number [i] == '0'; i ++);
    printf ("%s\n", number + i);

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function next_number (prev_num)
    local _, _, prefix, num, tail =
        ("0" .. prev_num) : find ("(.*)([012])(3*)$")

    return (prefix .. tostring (tonumber (num) + 1) 
                   .. tail : gsub ("3", "1")) : gsub ("11", "12")
                                              : gsub ("^0", "")

We first split the given number (with a 0 prepended) into three groups: the numbers before the last digit which is not a 3 (prefix), the last digit which is not a 3 (num), and any trailing 3s (tail).

We then concatenate prefix with num incrementated by 1 (tostring (tonumber (num) + 1)), and tail with all 3s replaced by 1 (tail : gsub ("3", "1")).

In the concatenated number, we replace each 11 with 12 (gsub ("11", "12")), and remove any leading 0 (gsub ("^0", "")).

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The Node.js solution is very similar to the Lua solution:

function next_number (prev_number) {
    let [match, prefix, num, tail] =
        ("0" + prev_number) . match (/^(.*)([012])(3*)$/)

    return (prefix + (+ num + 1) + (tail . replace (/3/g,  "1"))) .
                                           replace (/11/g, "12")  .
                                           replace (/^0/,  "")

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In Python, a regular expression match returns a match object. Which we can query for its capture groups.

def next_num (prev_num):
    match = re . match ('^(.*)([012])(3*)$', "0" + prev_num)
    return (re . sub ('^0', '',  \
                 re . sub ('11', '12', match . group (1) +                 \
                                       str (int (match . group (2)) + 1) + \
                                       re . sub ('3', '1', match . group (3)))))

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Captures in Ruby are also available in match object — but we can index this as an array to get the capture groups. But it's still the same algorithm:

def next_num (prev_num)
    ("0" + prev_num) . match (/^(.*)([012])(3*)$/) do
        return (match [1] + (1 + match [2] . to_i) . to_s +
                match [3] . gsub(/3/, "1")) . gsub(/11/, "12") . gsub(/^0/, "")

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