Perl Weekly Challenge 112: Climb Stairs

by Abigail


You are given $n steps to climb

Write a script to find out the distinct ways to climb to the top. You are allowed to climb either 1 or 2 steps at a time.


Input: $n = 3
Output: 3

    Option 1: 1 step + 1 step + 1 step
    Option 2: 1 step + 2 steps
    Option 3: 2 steps + 1 step

Input: $n = 4
Output: 5

    Option 1: 1 step + 1 step + 1 step + 1 step
    Option 2: 1 step + 1 step + 2 steps
    Option 3: 2 steps + 1 step + 1 step
    Option 4: 1 step + 2 steps + 1 step
    Option 5: 2 steps + 2 steps


If we can climb stairs one or two steps at a time, then the number of ways to climb a stair with \(N\) steps is the number of ways to climb a stair with \(N - 1\) steps (if we first climb one step), plus the number of ways to climb of stair with \(N - 2\) steps (if we first climb two steps).

Since there is just one way to climb a stair case with 0 or with 1 step, we have the following formula to climb a stair case with \(N\) steps:

\[ S (N) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } N = 0 \\ 1 & \text{if } N = 1 \\ S (N - 1) + S (N - 2) & \text{if } N > 1 \end{cases} \]

But this means that \(S (N)\) is \(F (N + 1)\), where \(F\) is the Fibonacci Sequence. And we have a closed formula for this:

\[ F (N) = \frac{\varphi^N - \psi^N}{\sqrt{5}} \]


\[ \varphi = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2} \text{ and } \psi = \frac{1}{\varphi} \]

Since \(\psi < 1\), the component \(\psi^N\) goes to \(0\). Hence

\[ F (N) \approx \frac{\varphi^N}{\sqrt{5}} \]

In fact,

\[ F (N) = \left[ \frac{\varphi^N}{\sqrt{5}} \right] \]

where \([\text{expr}]\) rounds the expression to the nearest integer.

So, if we have a stair case with \(N\) steps, the answer we are looking for is:

\[ S (N) = \left[ \frac{\varphi^{N + 1}}{\sqrt{5}} \right] \]


For most languages, we use the formula above. In Bash and Befunge-93, we can only do integer arithmetic, so we use the recursive definition.

In the solutions below, the number of steps the stair case is in a variable n (or $n):


my $SQRT5 = sqrt (5);
my $PHI   = (1 + $SQRT5) / 2;
say int (1 / 2 + $PHI ** ($n + 1) / $SQRT5)

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SQRT5 = sqrt (5)
PHI   = (1 + SQRT5) / 2
print int (0.5 + PHI ^ (n + 1) / SQRT5)

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# define SQRT5 (sqrt (5))
# define PHI   ((1 + SQRT5) / 2)
printf ("%lld\n", (long long) floor (0.5 + pow (PHI, n + 1) / SQRT5));

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import "fmt"
import "math"
var SQRT5 float64 = math . Sqrt (5)
var PHI   float64 = (1 + SQRT5) / 2
r = math . Round (math . Pow (PHI, (n + 1)) / SQRT5)
r = math . Round (math . Pow (PHI, (n + 1)) / SQRT5)

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final double SQRT5 = Math . sqrt (5);
final double PHI   = (1 + SQRT5) / 2;
System . out . printf ("%d\n",
   (int) Math . round (Math . pow (PHI, n + 1) / SQRT5));

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local SQRT5 = math . sqrt (5)
local PHI   = (1 + SQRT5) / 2
print (math . floor (0.5 + PHI ^ (n + 1) / SQRT5))

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let SQRT5 = Math . sqrt (5)  
let PHI   = (1 + SQRT5) / 2

Math . round (Math . pow (PHI, n + 1) / SQRT5)

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    sqrt5 = sqrt (5); 
    phi   = (1 + sqrt5) / 2;

writeln (round (power (phi, n + 1) / sqrt5));

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SQRT5 = sqrt (5)
PHI   = (1 + SQRT5) / 2
print (round (pow (PHI, n + 1) / SQRT5))

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sqrt5 <- sqrt (5)
phi   <- (1 + sqrt5) / 2
cat (round (phi ^ (n + 1) / sqrt5), "\n", sep = "")

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SQRT5 = Math . sqrt 5
PHI   = (1 + SQRT5) / 2
puts ((PHI ** (n + 1) / SQRT5) . round)

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(define sqrt5 (sqrt 5))
(define phi   (/ (+ 1 sqrt5) 2))
(format #t "~d\n" (inexact->exact (round (/ (expt phi (+ n 1)) sqrt5))))

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Here we use a starndard recursive definition of the Fibonacci numbers. We're using a cache to speed things up:

declare -A cache

function fib () {
    local n=$1
    if   [[ -z ${cache[$n]} ]]
    then fib $((n - 1))
         fib $((n - 2))
         cache[$n]=$((cache[$n] + result))

Calling fib and printing the results:

fib  $n
echo $result

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> & :1+!#@_ 111p112p > :!#v_ 12g:11g+12p11p :1- v
                     ^                          <
^              ,+55  .g11 <

The program above is an iterative formula to calculate the Fibonacci numbers. We use the cells (1, 1) and (1, 2) to store the two previous numbers in the sequence. These numbers are initialized to 1, using the following fragment:


On the stack we keep track how often we still need to iterate. If the number on the stack is 0, we break out of the loop:

                     > :!#v_                    v
                     ^                          <

Inside the loop, we set the second to last number to the last number, and the last number to the sum of the last and second to last number. And then we substract 1 from the number on the stack:

                             12g:11g+12p11p :1-

When we break out of the loop, we print the result:

               ,+55  .g11

This line is run left to right, and it fetches the number from the cell (1, 1), which is printed (.), followed by a newline (55+,).

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