Advent Of Code 2021, Day 14: Extended Polymerization

by Abigail


In todays challenge, we are going to create a polymer. Polymers consists of strings of elements, each element a capital letter. We will be given a template and a list of pair insertion rules. For instance:


CH -> B
HH -> N
CB -> H
NH -> C
HB -> C
HC -> B
HN -> C
NN -> C
BH -> H
NC -> B
NB -> B
BN -> B
BB -> N
BC -> B
CC -> N
CN -> C

Each rule of the form AB -> C means that if the polymer contains a pair AB, a C gets inserted in the next generation.

For the given template, NNCB, we can calculate the polymer after the first generation as follows:

All rules get applied simultaneously, so inserted elements don't play a role until the next generation.

Starting the template NNCB, we get the following polymers in the first couple of generations. Inserted elements in the given generation are marked in red.

The polymer keeps rapidly growing in each generation. After 10 steps, the polymer contains 3073 elements.

Part One

In generation 10, we look at the most frequently occuring element in the polymer, and the least frequently occuring element. We need to report the difference of their occurrences.

For the given example, after 10 generations, B occurs 1749 times, C occurs 298 times, H occurs 161 times, and N occurs 865 times. So, the difference between the most frequently occurring element and least frequently occurring element is 1749 - 161 = 1588.

Part Two

We still want the difference of occurrences of the most frequently occurring element, and the least frequently occuring element, but now in generation 40. For the given example, the most frequently occurring element is B, occurring 2192039569602 times, while H appears the least frequently, 3849876073 occurrences. So, the result of the given example input is 2192039569602 - 3849876073 = 2188189693529.


The input has 10 different elements, and 100 rules, so there is a production rule for every pair of elements.

The length of the polymer grows rapidly. If the template has length \(l\), then the length of the polymer in generation \(G\) is \(1 + (l - 1) \cdot 2^G\). Given the input length of \(20\), in generation 10, the polymer has length \(19457\), while in generation 40, this has grown to a length of \(20890720927745\).

In each generation, the first element and last element are the same as the first and last element of the previous generation. And hence, as the first and last element of the template.

The production of a new element is only determined by the elements surrouding it: the production rules are very localized.


The second observation should make it clear that generating the entire polymer is out of the question (that will be workable for Part One, but not Part Two). But since the production of one pair is never influenced by the production of a different pair, whether in the next generation, or any subsequent generation (observation 4), instead of the tracking the entire polymer, we can just track how often each pair of elements there are.

To start off, we read the template, and turn this into hash, mapping pairs to their counts:

chomp (my $template = <>);
my $pairs;
  $$pairs {"$1$2"} ++ while $template =~ /(.)(?=(.))/g;

The pattern /(.)(?=(.))/g matches each element of the template ((.)), which is followed by another element ((?=(.))). The matching element is placed in $1, the following element is $2, meaning that "$1$2" is a pair of elements. Since the following element is matched with a look-a-head ((?=)), the following element is not consumed in the match, and we iterate over all overlapping pairs.

We now read in all the rules. We map each pair (left hand side of the rule) to the two new pairs it generates. That is, if we have a rule AB -> C, the new pairs which are generated by this rule are AC and CB.

my $rules;
while (<>) {
    /^([A-Z])([A-Z]) \s* -> \s* ([A-Z])/x or next;
    $$rules {"$1$2"} = ["$1$3", "$3$2"];

We will wrap the calculation of a next generation into a subroutine. The subroutine takes two arguments, the set of rules, and the set of pairs and their counts:

sub next_gen ($rules, $pairs) {
    my %new;
    while (my ($pair, $count) = each %$pairs) {
        $new {$_} += $count foreach @{$$rules {$pair}};

We will simply iterate over each pair, get the new pairs it creates and add them as often as the original pair occurs to the new set of pairs. When we've done all pairs, we return the result.

To get the differences of the most frequent and least frequent occurrences, we have another subroutine:

use List::Util qw [min max];
sub minmax ($pairs, $template) {
    my %count;
    $count {substr $_, 0, 1} += $$pairs {$_} for keys %$pairs;
    $count {substr $template, -1} ++;
    my $min = min values %count;
    my $max = max values %count;
    $max - $min;

The subroutine gets the set of pairs and their counts, and the original template. Since every element of a polymer, except the last, occurs exactly once as the first element of a pair, we take the counts of first elements of all the pairs. Then we add the last element of the template, which is the same as the last element of the polymer (observation 3).

Once we have counted how frequent each element occurs, we take the minimum and maximum of those values, and return the difference.

Now it's just a matter of calculating the right number of generations, and report the right numbers:

$pairs = next_gen $rules, $pairs for  1 .. 10;
say "Solution 1: ", minmax $pairs, $template;

$pairs = next_gen $rules, $pairs for 11 .. 40;
say "Solution 2: ", minmax $pairs, $template;

Find the full program on GitHub.

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