Today, we have to deal with 100 octopusses.
The octopusses are organized in a 10 x 10 grid, each having a specific energy level (a single digit non-negative integer). Their energy level slowly increases over time, and if they reach a critical level, the octopusses flash, draining their energy. When they flash, they can pass some of their energy to neigbouring octopusses, which cause them to flash.
To raising of energy, and the flashes, happen in steps. During a step, the following occurs (quoting from the challenge):
- First, the energy level of each octopus increases by 1.
- Then, any octopus with an energy level greater than 9 flashes. This increases the energy level of all adjacent octopuses by 1, including octopuses that are diagonally adjacent. If this causes an octopus to have an energy level greater than 9, it also flashes. This process continues as long as new octopuses keep having their energy level increased beyond 9. (An octopus can only flash at most once per step.)
- Finally, any octopus that flashed during this step has its energy level set to 0, as it used all of its energy to flash.
Take this example input:
Each digit represets the energy level of an octopus. After the first step, the energy of each octopus has raised by 1, causing none of the octopusses to flash:
In the next step, 35 octopusses flash:
We have to find out how many flashes happen in 100 steps. For the example input, there will be 1656 flashes in 100 steps.
Eventually, the octopusses all flash at the same time (this may not happen with a random input, but it will for the given input). We have to find out the first time this happens. For the example input, this first happens on step 195.
Just like in day 09, we will wrap the field on a torus,
using a seam of numbers which cannot influence the result — in this
case, large negatives numbers (-~0 == -18446744073709551615
This means, we can always look at the neighbours of an octopus by
adding -1
and 1
to the coordinates of an octopus, without having
to worry about boundaries:
my $MIN = -~0;
my @octopusses = map {[/[0-9]/g, $MIN]} <>;
my $SIZE = @octopusses;
push @octopusses => [($MIN) x ($SIZE + 1)];
Next, we will define a subroutine which takes the field of octopusses, and calculates the result of a step, returning the number of octopusses which flash.
my $LIMIT = 9;
sub step ($octopusses) {
my %flashed;
my @todo;
We will use %flashes
to keep track of which octopusses have flashed
in this step. @todo
will be a list of octopusses which will flash this
step, but we haven't processed their effects yet.
First step is to increase the energy level of each octopus, and putting
the ones which are about to flash in the @todo
foreach my $x (0 .. ($SIZE - 1)) {
foreach my $y (0 .. ($SIZE - 1)) {
if (++ $$octopusses [$x] [$y] > $LIMIT) {
push @todo => [$x, $y];
$$octopusses [$x] [$y] = 0;
We can now flash the octopusses. For each flashing octopus, we increment
the energy level of all its neighbours (taking care of not incrementing
the level of an octopus which has already flashed in this step — such an
octopus has energy level 0
). If this pushes the energy level of an
octopus over the limit, we add it to the @todo
array (at this moment,
we don't care whether it's already in the array). If we are about to
flash an octopus, but it has already flashed this step, we don't do
anything. After flashing, we set the energy level of the octopus to 0
while (@todo) {
my ($x, $y) = @{shift @todo};
next if $flashed {$x, $y} ++;
foreach my $dx (-1 .. 1) {
foreach my $dy (-1 .. 1) {
next if $dx == 0 && 0 == $dy;
if ( $$octopusses [$x + $dx] [$y + $dy] &&
++ $$octopusses [$x + $dx] [$y + $dy] > $LIMIT) {
push @todo => [$x + $dx, $y + $dy];
$$octopusses [$x] [$y] = 0;
Now, %flashes
contains all octopusses which has flashed this step
(and no octopusses which did not flash), so we can just return the
number of octopusses in this hash:
return scalar keys %flashed
Now, it's just a matter of stepping until the octopusses synchronize, counting the number of flashes in the first 100 steps. Note that if the octopusses synchronize, the number of flashing octopusses in a step is the maximum number of flashes: the number of octopusses.
my $first_step = 0;
my $flashes = 0;
state $steps = 0;
$steps ++;
my $step_flashes = step \@octopusses;
if ($step_flashes == $SIZE * $SIZE) {
$first_step = $steps;
$flashes += $step_flashes if $steps <= $STEPS;
redo unless $first_step && $steps >= $STEPS;
say "Solution 1: ", $flashes;
say "Solution 2: ", $first_step;
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