We are given a set of lines; each line consisting of strings
of nested balanced parenthesis, using the standard four sets of ASCII
parenthesis: (
, [
, {
, and <
Except that each line has an issue:
If they are both, we consider the line to be corrupted.
Consider the following example file:
In Part One, we have to find the corrupted lines, and find the first incorrect closing parenthesis. For the example file, we have the following corrupted lines — we've marked the first wrong set of parenthesis:
The incorrect closing parenthesis are }
, )
, ]
, )
, and >
Each of them has a score:
scores 3 points;]
scores 57 points;}
scores 1197 points;>
scores 25137 points.The answer for Part One is the sum of the scores of the first incorrect closing parethesis of each corrupted line.
Each line which is not corrupt, will be incomplete. We have to find the incomplete lines, and for each of the lines, find the missing closing parenthesis (in the correct order).
Below, we show the incomplete lines of example file, followed by the sequence needed to complete them:
[({(<(())[]>[[{[]{<()<>> }}]])})]
[(()[<>])]({[<{<<[]>>( )}>]})
(((({<>}<{<{<>}{[]{[]{} }}>}>))))
{<[[]]>}<{[{[{[]{()[[[] ]]}}]}]}>
<{([{{}}[<[[[<>{}]]]>[]] ])}
Incomplete lines have a score as well. Each missing closing parenthesis has a score:
scores 1 point;]
scores 2 points;}
scores 3 points;>
scores 4 points.To calculate the score of an incomplete line, we start with a score of 0; then for each missing parenthesis, we multiply the score by 5, and add the score of the missing parenthesis.
To calculate the answer of Part Two, we need to scores of all the incomplete lines, sort them, and take the middle value (it's a given that there are an odd number of incomplete lines).
A traditional solution would be to use a stack. Iterate over the characters of the string and then:
If we reach the end of the sting, whatever is left on the stack are characters without a closing delimiter.
In our Perl solution, we won't use a stack. Instead, we repeatedly
remove pairs of delimiters: ()
, []
, {}
, <>
. This will
remove all substrings which are correctly balanced.
Therefore, if there is nothing left to be removed, if the remaining string contains a closing parenthesis, the string is corrupt, and the first closing parenthesis is the offending character.
Else, the remaining string contains opening parenthesis only, and the string is incomplete.
First, we need some initialization:
my %scores = qw ! ( 1 ) 3 [ 2 ] 57 { 3 } 1197 < 4 > 25137 !;
my $score = 0;
my @scores;
Then for each line (which will be in $_
), we remove perfectly
balanced substrings:
1 while s/ \(\) | \[\] | <> | \{\} //xg;
Now, if the remaining string contains a closing parenthesis, we can calculate the score for Part One:
if (/[])}>]/) {
$score += $scores {$&};
Else, we calculate the score for Part Two:
else {
my $score = 0;
$score = 5 * $score + $scores {$_} for reverse split //;
push @scores => $score;
Now we're ready to display the results:
say "Solution 1: ", $score;
say "Solution 2: ", (sort {$a <=> $b} @scores) [@scores / 2];
Find the full program on GitHub.
For Part One, we could use a single regular expression:
my $pattern = << '--';
(?<balanced> (?: \( (?&balanced)* \)
| \[ (?&balanced)* \]
| \{ (?&balanced)* \}
| < (?&balanced)* >)*)
(?| [[({] (?&balanced) (>)
| [[(<] (?&balanced) (\})
| [[{<] (?&balanced) (\))
| [({<] (?&balanced) (\]))
Now, if one matches /$pattern/x
against a line, if matches if and
only if that line is corrupted — and if it does, $2
contains the
first non-matching closing parenthesis.