Advent Of Code 2021, Day 4: Giant Squid

by Abigail


Today, we are going to play bingo. We're given a sequence of balls to be drawn, and a series of bingo cards, like this:


22 13 17 11  0
 8  2 23  4 24
21  9 14 16  7
 6 10  3 18  5
 1 12 20 15 19

 3 15  0  2 22
 9 18 13 17  5
19  8  7 25 23
20 11 10 24  4
14 21 16 12  6

14 21 17 24  4
10 16 15  9 19
18  8 23 26 20
22 11 13  6  5
 2  0 12  3  7

A card wins if it has a row or column of which all numbers are drawn. (Diagonals do not count).

Part One

Determine the first card to win. Of the winning card, calculate the sum of all numbers not drawn yet, and multiply that with the ball which causes the win.

Part Two

The same as Part One, except we want to determine the last card to win. Again, we need to multiply the sum of the undrawn numbers by the ball which causes the win.



We start of by defining a class for a bingo card. For each card, we track the following: the numbers on the card (as a 2-dimensional array), the size (kind of overkill, as all boards are 5x5), and whether the card is finished (there was a bingo).

First some boilerplate:

package BingoCard {
    use Hash::Util::FieldHash qw [fieldhash];
    fieldhash my %card;
    fieldhash my %size;
    fieldhash my %finished;

    sub new ($class) {bless do {\my $var} => $class}

We're using fieldhashes to store our instance data.

The method new returns a fresh instance of the class BingoCard (note: new is not a constructor. Despite what many Perl programmers claim, Perl never has had a constructor new. Perl has only one constructor, and it's called bless.)

We now have to initialize a bingo card, using a method init. Beside the instance object itself ($self), it takes the appropriate chunck of the input as argument ($input). We will split this on newlines, giving us the numbers on each row (as strings). We then map over these strings, extracting numbers from them. The result is a 2-dimensional array, which we store in $card {$self}, and set the size of the card in $size {$self}:

sub init ($self, $input) {
    $card {$self} = [map {[/[0-9]+/g]} split /\n/ => $input];
    $size {$self} = @{$card {$self}};

Next, we define a method play, which takes a number which was drawn. It searches the 2-dimensional array for a match, and if there is a match, it replaces the number on the card with -1:

sub play ($self, $number) {
    foreach my $row (@{$card {$self}}) {
        foreach my $i (keys @$row) {
            $$row [$i] = -1 if $$row [$i] == $number;

Now we need a method which returns a true value if the card has a bingo, and false otherwise. We'll just scan each row and column, if it finds a column where all the numbers are negative, we have a bingo. Else, we do not:

sub bingo ($self) {
    my $card = $card {$self};
    my $size = $size {$self};
    foreach my $r (0 .. $size - 1) {
        return 1 unless grep {$_ >= 0} @{$$card [$r]};
    foreach my $c (0 .. $size - 1) {
        return 1 unless grep {$_ >= 0}
                         map {$$card [$_] [$c]} 0 .. $size - 1;
    return 0;

We also need a method which sums all the numbers not drawn:

sub left ($self) {
    my $sum = 0;
    foreach my $row (@{$card {$self}}) {
        foreach my $num (@$row) {
            $sum += $num if $num >= 0;

Finally, a method to set a flag to indicate we're finished with the card, and a method to retrieve that setting:

sub set_finished ($self) {
    $finished {$self} = 1
sub finished ($self) {
    $finished {$self}

Now, we read the input. The bingo cards are separated by blank lines, and there is also a blank line between the set of numbers and the bingo cards. Which means we have an ideal situation for reading in paragraph mode: instead of getting the input line by line, we get the input paragraph by paragraph.

First paragraph is the set of numbers to be drawn. The rest are the bingo cards, which we will immediately turn into objects:

@ARGV = "input" unless @ARGV;
$/ = "";  # Paragraph mode

my @numbers = <> =~ /[0-9]+/g;

my @cards = map {BingoCard:: -> new -> init ($_)} <>;

We can now play the game. For each number, we iterate over all the cards, skipping cards which are finished. We play the number on the card, and check whether the card now has a bingo. If so, we calculate the score, and keep track of the first and last scores. We also mark the card finished.

foreach my $number (@numbers) {
    foreach my $i (keys @cards) {
        my $card = $cards [$i];
        next if $card -> finished;
        if ($card -> play ($number) -> bingo) {
            $first_win //= $number * $card -> left;
            $last_win    = $number * $card -> left;
            $card -> set_finished;

Now, this isn't the most optimal solution, but considering the input is small (100 balls, 100 cards with 25 numbers each), the running time is dominated by fetching the data from disk, so we aren't overly concerned about efficiency.

Find the full program on GitHub.


In our Python solution, we also make an object of each card, but we keep track of different things. We will store each number on the card in a dictionary (numbers). The dictionary will map numbers to 2-element tuples holding the row and column indices of where the number appears.

We also keep two lists: one list (rows) to keep track how many undrawn numbers there are in each row, and one list (cols) to keep track how many undrawn numbers there are in each column. (So, initially, these lists have 5 elements, all being 5).

There are two more pieces of data we keep track off: a boolean value (bingo) to indicate whether the card has a bingo, and total which is the sum of the undrawn numbers on the card.

We initialize the object with the same data as Perl's init method above:

class BingoCard:

    def __init__ (self, card):
        num_dict = {}
        row_list = []
        col_list = []
        sum      =  0
        lines = card . rstrip () . split ("\n")
        rc = -1
        for line in lines:
            rc = rc + 1
            row_list . append (0)
            nums = line . strip () . split ()
            cc = -1
            for num in nums:
                cc = cc + 1
                if rc == 0:
                    col_list . append (0)
                num = int (num)
                num_dict [num] = rc, cc
                row_list [rc]  = row_list [rc] + 1
                col_list [cc]  = col_list [cc] + 1
                sum            = sum + num

        self . numbers = num_dict
        self . rows    = row_list
        self . cols    = col_list
        self . bingo   = 0
        self . total   = sum

Now we need a method which is called when a number is drawn. If the number is on the card, we find the row and column it appears on the card, and update the corresponding value in the rows and cols lists. If one (or both) numbers drop to 0, the card has a bingo. We also subtract the number for the sum of undrawn numbers.

def play (self, number):
    if not self . bingo:
        if number in self . numbers:
            rc, cc = self . numbers [number]  
            self . rows [rc] = self . rows [rc] - 1
            self . cols [cc] = self . cols [cc] - 1
            if self . rows [rc] == 0 or self . cols [cc] == 0:
                self . bingo = True
            self . total = self . total - number

We can now read in the input. We read all, then split on "\n\n". First entry is the set of balls, the rest are the bingo cards:

input = open ("input", mode = 'r') . read () . split ("\n\n")
balls = map (lambda b: int (b), input [0] . split (","))
cards = map (lambda sheet: BingoCard (sheet), input [1:])

Then we iterate over balls. For each drawn ball, we iterate over the cards in cards. If playing a ball on a card result in a bingo, we calculate its score, while keeping track of the first and last winners. We also remove cards with a bingo from the list of cards:

first_score = -1
last_score  = -1
for ball in balls:
    for card in cards:
        card . play (ball)
        if card . bingo:
            if first_score < 0:
                first_score = ball * card . total
            last_score = ball * card . total
    cards = filter (lambda card: card . bingo == 0, cards)

All what is left, is to print the results:

print ("Solution 1: %d" %(first_score))
print ("Solution 2: %d" %(last_score))

Find the full program on GitHub.

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